Hi there, hoomans! It has been years since I blogged, 3 years to be exact. I want to re-alive this blog and yeah I'm gonna treat it like my diary. I usually write my days on Notion (private) but I guess I can share some bits of my life here:) There are a lot of things to catch up guys.
Some day in the future, I'll reread this blog and see how much I improved in speaking-- writing, in English. Okay so, my current circumstance: I reaally need to earn money, like literally. I'm planning to buy myself a brand-new iPhone 'cause mine sucks (still love it tho). My phone rn is iPhone 6s+ FYI, yeah pretty old but it still functions a littleeeee pretty well. Oh I want to earn money to buy myself iPad too! I'll start with selling digital products on Etsy and maybe I'll share my journey (and tips) here!
Regarding learning languages, it's kinda on and off. But starting right now I'll start to learn languages consistently!! I want to pick up Spanish and Japanese. Korean too tho because Korea is kinda part of my daily life (like Kbeauty Kpop Kdrama, etc). Oh, kinda off topic but I want to improve my art skills and make art like the ones on my pinterest board!
I just took a glimpse of this blog's drafts and found the old me in many ways lol. I wrote a (cringe) song here, I tried cool tricks on blogspot, and lots more. Me, soon-to-be businesswoman, architect, and Disney+Pixar writer!
So yeah, this blog will be filled with a little bit of this and that. I'll post my life updates, tips on earning money as a teenager (oh yeah I'm currently 17 writing this post, gonna be 18 in less than a month!), my milestones on getting a new phone and iPad, current favorites, learning languages tips?, and so on! Oh yeah, I'm gonna be in college next year wow Bismillah may Allah guides me to the right path, Aamiin.
Hey future me, you'll may be in UCL or NUS or Harvard or MIT or Oxford right now reading this but I want to let you know that you're amazing and you'll always gonna be the IT! (lol cringe). also, 2025 is near, here's to the best version (glow up!) of me!
Toodles, hoomans:) (ik this post is pretty personal lol)
pics source: pinterest

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